A collaborative research program with the company Arthritis R&D, a subsidiary of the Arthritis Foundation, has been developed for 5 years in the frame of the Consortium « Cure RA » that gathers researchers from 3 Inserm/University laboratories, namely Infinity in Toulouse and IRMB and IRCM in Montpellier, and also the BCandC laboratory of the Toulouse University-Hospital and the Biotherapy department of the Montpellier University-Hospital.

The project aimed to develop a curative immunotherapy specific for Rheumatoid Arthritis.

Based on the results of the Consortium protected by 3 international patents, was recently created the startup « Arthritis4Cure », a subsidiary of Arthritis R&D, dedicated to the pre-industrial development of the first therapeutic molecules created and validated in the laboratories.

The academic founders are the professors Guy Serre and Christian Jorgensen, and Toulouse Transfer Technology that accompanied the project from the beginning, is a shareholder. The head office is at the Maison de la Recherche de l’Université de Toulouse and the secondary office is at the University-Hospital of Montpellier, in the context of the recently created IHU « Immune4Cure ».

At the same time, the Cure RA Consortium pursues the researches on the therapeutic molecules.